Sunday 18 March 2012

Excerpt Quartus : My mom is now my Boss!

The world lies at your mother's feet, its an old Indian saying. Its more or less true since Indian moms indulge and spoil their children, whether one or two to the nth degree, giving them meals to order, keeping clothes washed and arranged in cupboards, calling up to check when they're going to be home and in general, revolving around the spoilt brats, (yours truly) like the sun around the Earth.
They can browbeat with the best though, your boss would blush in embarassment to hear the expert wheedling and emotional blackmail they employ to get their way. Since we're all Mama's boys or girls (99% of people tend to be), we get suckered in too.
So here I am getting used to sitting at home without a useful occupation (read earning) trying to write, when my dearest Mom suggests that after 12 years of sparing me, it might be time for me to make the best of things and at least, learn my way around the kitchen.
Excuse me, the KITCHEN. Are you kidding me? I graduated near the top of my class, in school, in HSC, in college and MBA. I swam in shark infested corporate waters for five years, for what, for this? to land up cooking in the kitchen? Was this what all the effort was for?
Well, pat comes the soothing reply. Its not like that sweety. You're relatively free right now, not that writing isn't the noblest pursuit in the world (read noble = poor) but you need to at least know the basics at some point right. What are you going to feed your husband and children (read you will be a Mom too). I'm not saying you need to be an expert but you need to be familiar.
Hello, why can't my husband cook if that's the case? For all you know, he knows how to and I dont need to learn at all.
That's true sweety and if that's the case, I'll be happy for you. But you know just in case, we should be prepared.
No more buts darling..... You have time right now. Use it well.
I want my Boss back.  

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